Nay Pyi Taw, August (2)

Military council will not be able to stabilize and control the country in the next six months although it has extended the emergency ruling for four consecutive times, said political analysts.

At the National Defense and Security Council meeting held on July 31, military leader Min Aung Hlaing expressed his desire to extend the emergency for another six months to stabilize the country and crush the terrorist attacks.

The meeting attendees discussed and backed the military leader’s presentation without any objection, and the Acting President of the military council, U Myint Swe, approved the extension of the state of emergency.

U Nay Bone Latt, a spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s Office of National Unity Government (NUG), told Than Lwin Times that because the revolution is already gathering momentum, the military council will be unable to do anything effectively even if it is extended for another six months.

However, U Nay Bone Latt noted that the military council does not seem to reduce the brutality and arbitrarily killings against the people in the future and may find an exist to ease pressure from all sides.

At the National Defense and Security Council meeting, the military chief stated that armed attacks by some NUG, PDF, and EAOs continue in Sagaing, Magway, Bago, and Tanintharyi Regions, as well as Karen, Kayah, and Mon States.

U Than Soe Naing, a political analyst, said “The junta’s military power is decreasing, and the situation is worse than in the past, while the same situation may occur in the next six months. The security forces of the military council have possibly reached the point of surrendering”.

According to data from the NUG’s Ministry of Defense, over 29,000 junta soldiers have been killed in the last two years, and over 11,000   injured, according to a report on the people’s defense sector released in late May.

On the other hand, the political, military, and economic sectors have declined since the military takeover, and there are an increasing number of anti-regime forces in the country.

In addition, the rule of law has been declining, and it is becoming impossible to hold the junta’s planned multi-party democratic election.

Veteran politician U Pe Than said, “The military council has launched massive offensives to stabilize the country, but the chaos has become worse than before and they will not be able to control the situation even in the next six months”.

U Pe Than pointed out that if the military council is unwilling to discuss and find a solution through political means, and instead relies solely on military measures, the state of emergency will be extended multiple times in the future, and the people will suffer more hardships.

According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), more than 3,850 people have been killed by the military council and its subordinates in the two and a half years since the military coup, and more than 19,700 political prisoners are currently being placed behind bars.

News-Than Lwin Times


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