Thandaunggyi, 4 August

There is an urgent need for food for the people who are fleeing from the targeted aerial assaults by the military in the Yado area of the KNU Brigade 2, Taungoo District, according to the statements released by Karen National Union (KNU) and Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG).

According to the KHRG, two aerial bombings of regime troops on War Thaw Kho village in Thandaunggyi Township’s Htee Thar Saw village tract destroyed a church and some houses.

Residents escaped before the airstrikes, so no injuries or deaths were reported, but they are concerned about another airstrike, and more than 2,000 residents from War Thaw Kho and adjacent villages were forced to flee their houses.

The KHRG reported that there is an urgent need for humanitarian assistance such as food, shelter, and medical supplies for the displaced people.

According to the KNU, a fierce battle raged for 13 days from July 11 to July 23 in the Yado area of Thandauggyi Township under the control of KNU Brigade 2, Taungoo District, while the junta army carried out 33 airstrikes on War Thaw Kho and Tatkon villages in the Yado region.

Two Christian churches, 20 houses, a granary, and numerous plantations were destroyed as a result of the junta bombardment. At the moment, almost 2,000 people are fleeing the Yado area and are in desperate need of food, medicine, and shelter, said the KNU.

According to a KNU statement, there were 304 clashes between the junta army and the KNLA/KNDO in the territory of KNU Brigade 2, Taungoo District from January to June of this year, with the junta suffering heavy losses.

News-Than Lwin Times


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