Demoso, 22 August
Exchange rate of the Thai baht has gradually increased since the military council issued 20,000 kyat banknotes, making it difficult to buy weapons and ammunition, the revolutionary forces told Than Lwin Times.
The Central Bank of Myanmar declared on 14 August that the Thai baht could be used as a currency for international payments and settlements in order to manage the Thai baht’s appreciation and limit the use of the dollar.
After that, the exchange rate of the Thai baht rose to more than 110 Myanmar kyats, and on 19August, the price rose to a record high of 115 kyats per baht.
Under this situation, the Spring Revolution’s resistance fighters attempting to overthrow the military regime are having difficulty getting firearms, ammunition, food, and medical supplies.
According to a Demoso PDF in Karenni State, the price of guns and ammunition has significantly increased due to the strengthening of the baht and the introduction of 20,000 banknotes by the junta, and there is also an inadequate supply of food.
Many of the armed resistance forces that are based and active in the border areas near the border with Thailand rely on weapons, medicine, and food from Thailand.

“All revolutionary groups operating along the Thai-Myanmar border buy weapons and ammunition using Thai baht, so the rise in the price of Thai baht has had an impact on them,” said Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF) spokeswoman Nai Nagar.
On 31July, the military council introduced new 20,000-kyat banknotes to commemorate the completion of the Marawijaya Buddha image and the one-year anniversary of White Elephant Rattha Nandaka.
The announcement immediately caused chaos in the domestic market, causing prices to skyrocket as commodity prices could not be set.
When the revolutionary forces convert the people’s Myanmar currency, which is supported by locals, into Thai baht and buy ammo during inflation, they will have fewer guns.
On the other hand, Myanmar citizens in exile are supporting the armed forces as much as they can to eradicate the military dictatorship, so the Spring Revolution is still alive.
News – Than Lwin Times