Kyaikto, 22 August

A combined force of military regime raided a gambling ring operated by the Karen border guard BGF and confiscated 40 motorcycles in Alae Thaung village in Mon State’s Kyaikto Township.

The gambling ring run by BGF officer Ko Win Soe was busted by more than 30 soldiers and police officers in five cars on August 21 at 1:00 p.m.

According to local people, the BGF group has already paid hundreds of thousands of cash to the junta and police forces to allow them to run gambling rings. However, when the gambling permit was over, they were raided.

Gamblers fled during the raid by the combined junta forces, and the military council seized 40 motorcycles and gambling equipment and burned the gambling facilities.

Cockfights, card and dice games, and anglo games were among the gambling activities, and it is also a popular gambling ring, with hundreds of people visiting every day.

During a joint military council attack, gamblers fled, and the military council seized 40 motorcycles and gaming equipment, as well as burning the gambling facilities.

According to locals, since the military takeover, the junta army and police have allowed the opening of illegal gambling rings by acquiring cash and demanding hundreds of thousands of kyats monthly.

News-Than Lwin Times


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