Kyaukkyi, 26 August

A civilian was killed as junta aircraft dropped bombs on Thae Thaw Mu Thae Thaw Khwar village in Kyaukkyi Township, KNU’s Nyaunglaybin District, according to the Karen National Union (KNU).

The fighter jet of military regime dropped six bombs on Thae Thaw Mu Thae Thaw Khwar village from 1 pm to 2 pm on 24 August.

The explosion claimed 28-year-old Saw Ba Bae Sae, and comrade Mytta from the combined force of Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) sustained injuries.

At least six civilians were killed and 13 others were seriously injured by the junta’s artillery shelling, drone attacks, and air raids in Kyaukkyi from May to 15 August, said the Karen Emergency Relief Committee (Kyaukkyi).

Moreover, a report released in the third week of August stated that more than 8,000 local people have fled due to the shooting and killing of regime troops targeting civilians in the KNU’s Nyaunglaybin District.

According to KNU, junta troops burned down more than 100 civilian homes during the three-week-long battle in Nyaunglaybin District, where the fighting intensified.

News-Than Lwin Times


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