Myaing, 4 September

Joint people’s defence forces attacked the military’s column and their three checkpoints in Myaing township, Magway region.

An official of People’s Defence Organization (Myaing) said to Than Lwin Times that the mission was joined by the Earthquake People’s Defence Force and the OE the guerilla members of Salingyi Special Task Force (SSTF).

  He also said, “We used about 80 Energa grenades in attack on the military column. Many were injured although we cannot know the exact number. We also attacked militry camps, and they could not exchange fire.”

The military column killed a civilian in Magyitan village of Pakokku township, and their heavy weapon shelling injured two persons.

Local defence forces are intensifying their attacks on military camps and checkpoints almost every day, and people are warned to be vigilant.

 The joint PDFs targeted checkpoint at railway station, general administration office and police stations in Myaine township for 30 minutes.

  News—Than Lwin Times


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