Mone, 16 September
More than 5,000 residents have fled junta airstrikes targeting civilians in Mone Township of KNU-controlled Nyaunglaybin District, reported the KNU on 15 September.
On September 14, three helicopter gunships strafed Haw Kho Gaw, Maetalin, and Sin Pale villages in Mone Township 13 times when there was no fighting.
A total of 5,295 people from 947 households in Haw Kho Gaw, Wayne Gyi, Sin Pale, Lu Ah Ywar, Maetalin, and Htwar Ni Gon villages have been displaced and fled to safety due to the airstrikes, according to the KNU.

According to the source, the attack destroyed houses and buildings without harming the people, and the extent of the damages was unknown because military council personnel were stationed in the villages.
Furthermore, flooding affected 36 families in Yan Myo Aung and Tamaw villages in Mone Township during the rainy season, according to the statement.
People fleeing conflict and natural disasters are in need of emergency humanitarian assistance such as food, medicine, accommodation, and shelter, said the KNU.
News- Than Lwin Times