Mawlamyine, 6 October

Militry council has no capablity of governing  the country and managing the economy, said Myanmar Ambasador to UN U Kyaw Moe Tun.

During the General Debate of the Second Committee of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, held on 3 October, Ambassador U Kyaw Moe Tun said, “The military junta is not capable of governing the country or managing the economy and it is not capable of delivering durable peace and stability.”

He continued to say, “The lives and well-being of millions of people in Myanmar are now in peril, and due to the military junta’s atrocities, nearly 2 million people are internally displaced; over 18 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance.”

The ambassador also remarked that Myanmar’s economy is in an instable and unpredictable situation due to mismanagement of the military junta. People are experiencing numerous challenges and difficulties such as high inflation rate, skyrocketing of prices, frequent electricity outages, scarcity of food, destruction of healthcare and education facilities, among others.

He concluded that  the only way to fully resolve the crisis in Myanmar is to end the military dictatorship and bring perpetrators accountable.

The National Unity Government is working together with ethnic resistance organizations and other partners to provide necessary humanitarian assistance including life-saving assistance.

News—Than Lwin Times

Photo—Permanent Mission of Myanmar  to UN

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