Gangaw, 4 November
The allied resistance forces captured Min Ywar police station in Magway Region’s Gangaw District and captured 10 junta soldiers alive, the ABSDF Column 3 confirmed to Than Lwin Times.
The attack was carried out early morning of November 3, and the resistance fighters were able to capture the station around 9:30 a.m., where nearly 50 regime troops were deployed.
At least 20 military personnel, including a sub-inspector, were killed in the attack, and seven others were escaped, said comrade Pyae Phyo Kyaw, the spokesperson of ABSDF Column 3 told Than Lwin Times.

Besides, the resistance forces confiscated 30 different weapons and 60-mm artillery shells.
The attack was jointly carried out by Battalions 1, 7, 11, 12, 14 and 19 in Gangaw District, ABSDF-Yaw, and local resistance forces.
The allied forces launched simultaneous attacks on junta bases and outposts in Gangaw’s Min Ywar police station and adjacent camps in Kalay Township, occupying four camps yesterday.
News-Than Lwin Times
Photo- CJ