Ye, 8 November

The junta army has been firing heavy weapons at villages in the area controlled by the New Mon State Party (NMSP), a Mon ethnic armed organization, for two days in a row, local residents told Than Lwin Times.

The military regime’s No. 317 Artillery, based in Ye Township, fired at least five heavy weapons near Wepaung village, which is controlled by the NMSP, on November 4 and 5.

The artillery shells fired by the junta army exploded in the rubber plantations around Wepaung, Kyonlaung, Kaingtaw, Bawdoe, and Nattaung villages.

The explosion did not result in any injuries or damage to buildings, but it raised concern among local residents.

The explosion of the weapon fired by the military council, according to a local resident, was so loud that the military council may have used 120-mm artillery or howitzers.

Local residents do not dare to go to the orchards and rubber plantations amidst artillery shelling, fearing the fighting.

Following the NCA’s 8th anniversary celebrations, the NMSP called on junta chief Min Aung Hlaing, to restrain shelling in Mon State on October 16.

Nai Banyar Le, a member of the Central Committee, told the NMSP’s news agency on October 20 that the military leader has instructed the commander of the Southeast Regional Command to investigate the claim of the NMSP as soon as possible.

Attempts by Than Lwin Times to contact three responsible officials, including Nai Banyar Le for comment on the junta’s artillery shelling in Mon State went answered.

The suffered junta army engaged in a battle with the resistance forces in Mon State’s Ye Township on 20 October, where martial law was declared, and split into three columns, resulting in high tension between the two sides.

News-Than Lwin Times

Photo- NMSP

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