Kawlin, 16 November

The Interim Central Bank of the NUG has   kept more than 950 million kyat of the junta’s Myanmar Economic Bank of Kawlin District, Sagaing region, which is seized by the revolutionary forces, according to the Interim Central Bank of the NUG in the afternoon of 14 November.

Kawlin township, Kawlin district from Sagaing region was attacked and occupied on 6 November, by Kachin Liberation Army (KIA), People Defense Forces (PDF), the People’s Defense Organization (PDO) and revolutionary forces, under the No (1), Kawlin Military Command.

The Coordination Team for Emergency Management of Kawlin District is formed with Decree No. (1/2023) on 8 November, by  Prime Minister Mahn Win Khaing Than, Chairman of the Interim Local Government Central Committee, the National Unity Government.

Kawlin District Coordinating Team is following the Financial Public Administration Work Plan (SOPs-Standard Operating Procedure), and totaling cash balance 952,343 of Myanmar Economic Bank has been received and stored, stated in the statement.

The NUG’s central bank has recorded the cash during the term of their government, and these state-owned funds and the public’s deposits are being properly managed that not to be lost, announced by NUG’s central bank.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo – CBM

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