Mawlamyine, 9 December
The military council took forty soldiers who were detained in Mon State’s Mawlamyine and Thaton prisons, sources close to the matter told Than Lwin Times.
According to reports, the military regime, which has been defeated in nationwide conflicts, granted amnesty to its prisoners and allowed them to return to the service.
There are 30 inmates from Mawlamyine prison and nine from Thaton prison, for a total of thirty-nine.
The military council took those soldiers who had deserted, broken military discipline, and committed crimes while serving, with the condition that they would continue to serve in the army.

They will be taken to Mawlamyine-based Southeastern Command and Thaton-based battalions and sent to the front lines, according to sources.
The statement released by the junta on December 3 claims that prisoners, deserters, and those who are absent without leave will be pardoned if they wish to rejoin the army and will be assigned to the nearest units.
Myanmar Now quoted sources as saying that the military council had taken out nearly ten thousand soldiers who were imprisoned in jails around the country within 24 hours.
News-Than Lwin Times