Loikaw, 12 December
More than twenty stations of the military council in Loikaw’s downtown area, including the Karenni state’s police station, have been captured by the revolutionary forces, the KNPP spokesperson told Than Lwin Times.
The provincial police station in Doukhu Ward, Loikaw was attacked and captured by the joined forces of the Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF), the Karenni Army (KA), the People’s Defense Force (PDF) and the Karenni People’s Liberation Front (KNPLF).
The junta troops suffered many casualties and seized weapons and ammunition as well as police equipment during the attack, KNPP spokesperson said.
About 40 junta soldiers were stationed at that provincial police station, and it is a remaining and important stronghold of the junta troops in the town.
The revolutionary forces have occupied the junta camps, including Loikaw University and township complexes since November.
At the moment, the military council is stationed in the Catholic Christian Church in Loikaw downtown, the Loikaw based regional command headquarters and the 54th battalion and some other areas as a defensive position, according to the revolutionary forces.
The revolutionary forces have occupied more than 30 junta camps throughout Karenni State, and some have been surrendered.
News – Than Lwin Times
Photo – Zaw Ye Htet (while the revolutionary forces captured the Karenni state’s police headquarter)