Ye Chaung Phyar, 20 December

The chairman of the veteran ethnic resistance organization, the New Mon State Party (NMSP), Nai Han Thar, criticized the Mon armed resistance groups that emerged during the coup, comparing them to frogs croaking during the rain.

Nai Han Thar made the remarks in Mon in an exclusive interview by the independent Mon News Agency on December 17.

“Since the NMSP did not participate in the conflict, some small Mon revolutionary groups that emerged during the coup carried out military activities in their own way, said Nai Han Thar.

But the Mon revolutionary groups are not that strong, and they are like frogs croaking only when it rains, and they will not be able to go further.

Despite the fact that Nai Han Thar did not name any Mon revolutionary organizations fighting against the military council, some believe that he looks down on the Mon revolutionary forces that emerged from the Spring Revolution.

Regarding on Nai Han Thar’s statement, Nai Nagar, the spokesperson of Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF) said that the MSRF has never criticized any revolutionary organization.

We were surprised by the comment of the leader of an armed organization that has existed for more than 70 years. It’s a sensitive word among Mon armed groups, so I have nothing to say except sadness.

Nai Nagar continued that the MSRF will not hold talks with the military council which is causing suffering to the entire people, including the Mon people and work with other allied forces.

The MSRF was formed during the coup with the goal of fighting against military dictators and all tyrants and building a federal union. The MSRF announced on December 15 that it will stand as the Mon State Army under the political and military leadership of the Mon State Federal Council.

Than Lwin Times cannot independently confirm whether Nai Hanthar made this statement as a chairman of the NMSP or himself.

Than Lwin Times asked the Mon Liberation Army (MLA), a Mon armed resistance group that sprung up during the spring revolution, about Nai Han Thar’s statement, but he did not respond.

A Mon woman also pointed out that the NMSP did not oppose the military council, but the party chairman is criticizing the revolutionary groups, so the Mon revolutionary groups must prove themselves by realizing their goals.

Although the NMSP is an ethnic armed organization that has existed for decades, it chose the path of dialogue during the coup and held talks with the military council at least six times.

Nai Han Thar said that the NMSP has been working on the revolution for many years, and since it is a group that owns a lot of territory and is properly established with relevant departments and laws, the Mon revolutionary groups should understand why the NMSP is playing politics like this.

However, Nai Han Thar stated that the NMSP and the Mon Revolutionary Groups’ relations should not be completely cut off but should gain understanding and that the NMSP and the revolutionary groups should become a force.

Nai Han Thar was elected as the chairman of the New Mon State Party at the 10th party conference held in 2019. The 11th party conference is scheduled to be held in late December this year, and it remains to be seen whether there will be any changes in the party’s leadership or party policy.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo – NMSP

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