More than 2,000 people displaced by battle in Mone Township
Mone, 31 October More than 2,000 residents have fled their homes due to the fighting and junta’s artillery fire in Mone Township under KNU-held Nyaunglaybin District, reported the KNU on…
Mone, 31 October More than 2,000 residents have fled their homes due to the fighting and junta’s artillery fire in Mone Township under KNU-held Nyaunglaybin District, reported the KNU on…
Mawlamyine, 31 October The Karen National Union (KNU) welcomes Operation 1027 against the regime targets of the Three Brotherhood Alliance, Padoh Saw Tony, the spokesperson of the KNU told Than…
Mawlamyine, 31 October Tensions have been rapidly intensifying since the announcement of Operation 1027 by the Three Brotherhood Alliances against the military regime, and the junta army has lost many…
Yebyu, 31 October The Dawei Battalion 1 launched a deadly ambush on regime forces that left Nabule village in Ye Township after burning down local houses. The 50-strong junta convoy…
Kyaikdon, 31 October Heavy casualties were endured by the junta army and anti-regime forces in the battle that took place in Kyaikdon town of Karen State’s Kyainseikgyi Township, which killed…
Mawlamyine, 30 October The Karenni National People’s Liberation Front (KNPLF) stated that they will join Operation 1027 of three northern Brotherhood Allies The AA, MNDAA and TNLA jointly launched the…
Yangon, 30 October Amid tight security, the Kyimyindaing Networks (KMD18) and the Mayangone Democratic Front (MDF) staged an anti-military campaign to continue revolution until to the destination. Photo—CJ
Dawei, 29 October A political prisoner serving a 13-year sentence died in Dawei Prison, Tanintharyi Region, according to the Dawei Political Prisoners Network (DPPN). U Kyaw Thein, a 44-year-old political…
Lashio, 29 October Junta regime faces challenges from the revolutionary forces’ joint attack while deploying forces on several front lines, said military and political analysts. The military council is using…
Chaugnzon, 29 October Curfew imposed by the military regime in Mon State’s Chaungzon Township has been lifted since October 27, said locals. Following the coup, the military council imposed a…