Mawlamyine, November (13)

In the nearly two years since military coup, civil organizations and the people have claimed that the regime’s departments are no longer providing full services to the people.

The regime’s departments are no longer able to provide regular services to the people, such as electricity distribution, water supply, and handling and solving criminal cases.

Under the pretext of security, they no longer provide for the basic requirements of the people; instead, they ask for money from them and deny services if they don’t.

An official from a civil organization said that there are losses due to departments under the military council that no longer provide full service to the people’s basic needs, and some of them are dealing with it in their own way.

In addition, the people are facing socio-economic crises and livelihood difficulties as they no longer receive regular services from the regime’s departments.

 A resident said, “Water and electricity bills are paid on time, but there are water shortages and power outages. We have to give money to the heads of households for the necessary recommendation letter to travel”.

The people said that the departments under the military council were forcibly asking for money and removing the electricity meter boxes, making the people even more miserable.

In addition, the analysts said that although the departmental staff are committing corruption in cooperation with the military council, they are exempt from being arrested and prosecuted.

Since the military coup in Myanmar, there have been setbacks in every sector, and the people are struggling to get enough food; in some areas, they have to eat less rice.

Under the previous NLD government, complaints were made to relevant state/regional parliaments and anti-corruption commissions about departmental staff who did not fulfill the basic rights of the people, and action was taken against them for corruption.

News-Than Lwin Times

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