Dawei, January (4)

At least 13 locals were arrested in Dawei, Tanintharyi Region, on the 2nd and 3rd of January in Tanintaryi Region’s Dawei residents told Than Lwin Times.

The military council arrested the residents at their homes on suspicion of funding the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs).

Around 10 am on January 2, seven people were arrested from a tavern on Kanna Road in Dawei City’s Kyat Sa Pyin Ward, including the shop owner Ko Maung Lay, his wife and son.

Around noon on that day, three family members from Dawei and Ko Maung Lay parents from Kyat Sar Pyin ward were arrested again.

According to local residents, military council forces often arrest suspects as well as related family members.

Meanwhile, the regime forces came to detain Ko Han Lin, a staff at a tea shop on Nirvana Street around 9 am on January 3.

Some of those detained by the military council have been transferred to interrogation facilities, while others are being held at the Dawei police station.

Nearly 17,000 people were arrested nationwide after the military coup, of which more than 13,000 are still in custody, according to a report released by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoner (AAPP) on January 3.

News-Than Lwin Times

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