Interview with Mi Thuta Zin, spokesperson of Mon State Federal Council  

 The Mon State Federation Council was formed on 22 January 2023, nearly two years of military coup, from its predecessor Mon State Interim Coordination Committee which was first established in 2021.

The interview with spokesperson of MSFC, Mi Thuta Zin, highlights the reason for transformation, its future policy and its plan of opposition to the junta’s elections.

TLT: Why was Mon State Interim Coordination Committee transformed into Mon State Federation Council?

 Mi Thuta Zin: To implement the system for Mon State’s affairs, we transformed into MSFC as a federal unit for interim period in Mon State as its predecessor was just a coordination committee.

TLT: What are the main targets of MSFC in 2023?

Mi Thuta Zin: We adopted three pillars of political roadmap at the conference of MSFC in 2023, which are legislation, administration and judiciary. We will implement these pillars after drawing a policy.   Especially, we have an additional plan to prevent the junta’s election in 2023.

TLT: In the statement of the first conference of Mon State Federation Council, the word ‘Ethnic Revolution Organizations’ was found. Does it represent the New Mon State Party, or other organization?

Mi Thuta Zin: Yes. In addition to New Mon State party, other armed organizations are based in Mon State. So, we prefer using ‘ERO’.

TLT: What are political objectives and political roadmaps of MSFC?

Mi Thuta Zin: Political objectives of MSFC, which we adopted during the recent conference, are to establish a federal democracy Union together with other ethnic people and to implement the above-mentioned three pillars as a federal unit of Mon State or as a Mon State Federal Council.

TLT: What is the view of MSFC on the possible meeting of National Defense and Security Council on 1 February?

Mi Thuta Zin: We did not hold talks on this. But we will maintain our policy not to join hands with the junta regime. As our firm policy is to fight against military dictatorship and any forms of dictatorship, MSFC will not join the event of regime.

TLT: What is MSFC’s opinion on the junta’s planned elections?

Mi Thuta Zin: The political roadmap of MSFC includes to fight against military dictatorship and any forms of dictatorship. We will not contest the junta’s elections. We will boycott and prevent it. Moreover, we will not join hands with the regime in other issues.

TLT: How will MSFC prevent the elections that may help the junta regime for its legitimacy and its exit for ongoing political crisis?

Mi Thuta Zin:  We have assigned MSFC representative for communications with NUCC and NUG. We are working together with NUCC and JCC representatives. Like political roadmap of NUCC and NUG, we will continue fighting together with them. We have published a formal request to our Mon people to join with NUCC, NUG and MSFC.  We will stand together with Mon people to oppose and prevent the junta’s elections.

TLT: What is MSFC’s message to political parties and candidates who are preparing to contest the upcoming elections?

Mi Thuta Zin:   MSFC has assigned a representative for the election prevention committee of NUCC.

TLT: How will MSFC will coordinate with resistance forces in Mon State for eradication of military dictatorship, emergence of self-rule and establishment of federal Union?

Mi Thuta Zin:   We will first organize the coordination of other ethnic people, for example Pao, Karen and Bamar, etc. to be able to focus on legislation, administration and judiciary sectors for Mon State. The conference of MSFC has agreed to implement our expectation for the establishment of a federal democracy Union after working for the interest of Mon State and rooting out all the forms of military dictatorship together with NUCC and NUG.

 In conclusion, MSFC will be working for its task and objectives, and we invite the coordination of Mon people, other ethnic groups and Spring Revolution resistance forces in the implementation of our objectives.

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