Mandalay, 12 May

Myanmar junta distributed propaganda with fake news that five members of people’s defence
force defected to them with firearms and they were presented cash awards.

This misinformation appeared after the junta announced their offer of cash awards for defection
of PDFs

Junta media outlets reported that they welcomed the defectors at the training school of Central
Command in Aungmyaytharzan Township, Mandalay, on 10 May, and K3 million cash awards
were presented to them.

However, a local in Mandalay said that those defectors were not PDFs, but the pro-military
Pyusawhtee and Thwaythaut members who handed over two handmade pistols and one
automatic pistol.

Former military officer who joined civil disobedient force, Captain Lin Htet Aung, said to Than
Lwin Times, “The military is distributing propaganda to seek any opportunity from the public and
resistance forces.”

U Nay Win and U Than Shwe, who are the former dictators of Myanmar military, also created
dissensions among revolutionary forces with enticement of favours to do business after

News—Than Lwin Times
Photo—Commander-in-Chief of Defence Service

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