Nay Pyi Taw, May (18)

The junta-established Union Election Commission (UEC) has allowed 16 parties to register as political parties among those that applied for party registration and establishment.

On May 17, the Inn National League Party and Kokang Democracy and Unity Party (KKDUP) have been allowed to register under Section 9 of the Political Parties Registration Law, according to the propaganda newspaper.

After the military council promulgated the new Political Parties Registration Law in late January for its planned multi-party democratic elections, the parties had 60 days to apply for party establishment and registration to the junta-controlled Union Election Commission (UEC).

The Union Solidarity and Development Party, which was the first to apply for party registration to the UEC after the announcement, was allowed to register on April 20.

There were 63 political parties that applied for party establishment and registration within 60 days, and the military council announced that 40 political parties that failed to register were dissolved.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo – MOI

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