Resistance forces based in Mon state have changed their strategy from the guerilla operations to offensives in the past two years after coup. Ye and  southern part of Thanbyuzayet townships have been stronghold areas of the resistance forces, and the military has lost some of  their territory in these areas.

This interview with  Nai Nagar, the spokesperson of Mon State Revolutionary Force (MSRF), is about local military affairs, preparations for offensives of junta troops and the control of resistance forces in the area.

TLT: Could you talk about losses of junta troops in Mawlamyine district, especially in Ye and Thanbyuzayet townships, in the past two years?

Nai Nagar: The administration and ruling of military in our Mawlamyine district, especially in Ye and Thanbyuzayet, has been almost in a shambles in the past two years after the military coup. Criminal cases such as theft have increased. Many police stations have been closed in this area, showing the significant loss of their control.

 TLT: How have the local PDFs threatened the military council in Ye and Thanbyuzayet at the moment, and to what extent the PDFs control the area?

Nai Nagar: Our resistance forces are fighting in all-out efforts to end the revolution. We could make cooperation among our forces more effectively. We have organized major military column, and will expand our alliances. We have not set up many controlled areas to prevent military’s airstrikes in consideration of lives and property of the public. At present, junta troops dare not travel with small number of forces. They have to use private cars of civilians secretly. It shows that our resistance forces have controlled some areas along Mawlamyine-Ye-Dawei motorway to a certain extent.

TLT: How has the military controlled these areas?

Nai Ngar: They can control only urban areas and   nearby areas of their military camp. They cannot carry out their regular area clearance operations any more. They have lost their control.

TLT: What are the changes of military’s tactics between just after the coup and now two and half years after the coup?

Nai Ngar: Just after the coup, the military carried out operations and area clearance operations with lesser forces while they had stronger weapon powers. After two and half years, they have conducted offensives with excess forces to the resistance groups. They used helicopters and jet fighters in their attacks. Their troops were replaced with militia and border guard forces at their police posts and security checkpoints. On the other hand, revolutionary forces have gathered more systematically. We changed guerilla warfare to offensive attacks with major columns on the military troops. It is our development.

TLT: In conclusion, could you make a remark on the Spring Revolution?

Nai Ngar:  As they have suffered great loss in their forces, they have substituted with their militia at security checkpoints. It is estimated that the military will have to prepare for defensive war in urban areas and the areas of their military bases, rather than their offensive attacks on resistance forces in next open season. If they were defeated on ground battles, they will use air forces and long-range and short-range missile. Especially, they will carry out severe attacks on civilians.

However, I do not see significant development of revolution in 2023 and 2024. Instead, major conflicts are expected to occur. Battles will spread to no-conflict areas. People will suffer the impacts of battles until the revolution comes to an end. Myanmar’s civil war will not end until the military dictatorship could be removed. Our revolutionary forces will continue fighting until the dictatorship could be rooted out. So, I requested all the people for their supports to end the revolution earlier.

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