Nay Pyi Taw, August 1

The National Defense and Security Council of military council extended the state of emergency for consecutive times, according to junta propaganda media on 31 July.

Former Vice President Henry Van Thio of ousted National League for Democracy government also joined the meeting for the first time after the coup.

Acting President U Myint Swe approved the extension of the state of emergency that will allow the   military council   to control the country from August 1 to 31 January next year.

After the four consultative extensions, Myanmar will be under the military takeover  for three years.

According to Article 425 of the 2008 Constitution,  the emergency rule can be extended two times normally, for six months each.  which can be extended up to six months each time, and this is the fourth time.

 Political observers predict that the military council will   reshuffle its administrative organization   after the state of emergency is extended.

Furthermore, during the July 13 meeting, the military chief stated that there is still much to be done for security, stability, and rule of law, therefore military analysts believe that the junta will step up its military efforts.

According to Article 425 of the 2008 Constitution, if the Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Service is unable to complete the duties assigned to him, if he submits to extending the state of emergency, it can be extended twice, usually up to six months at a time.

At the last meeting of the National Defense and Security Council, the military council declared martial law in 40 townships in eight regions and states after the coup leader stated that the country is in an extra ordinary situation that needs the extension of state of emergency.

At the moment, anti-military dictatorship resistance is intensifying, and the military council is engaged in ground battles with various revolutionary forces and several ethnic armed organizations.

News-Than Lwin Times


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