Belin, 2 August

A gold shop owner and a CDM teacher were among 10 arrestees in Belin within a week, locals confirmed to Than Lwin Times.

In the last week of July, the regime forces and the police arrested nearly 10 local people from No. 8 Ward, Sayar San Ward, and Taung Zun village, including three villages in Beilin.

Those who were arrested included Miba Myetta Gold Shop’s owner  Ko Zaw Win Oo CDM teacher Daw Aye Aye Khaing, private bank employee Ma Ei Phyu Zin, and another local Win Naing.

The military council later released the gold shop owner after receiving extorted money from him, but is still keeping the remaining persons.

They were accused of sharing posts that insult the junta on social media, supporting PDFs, and allegedly being involved in the explosions.

According to sources close to the military council, they are charged under Section 505 (a) of the Penal Code, and the Counter-Terrorism Law.

According to a statement issued by the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP) on August 1, nearly 20,000 civilians were still detained during the more than two years of the coup.

Than Lwin Times

Photo-Social Media

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