Myanmar military is in civil war across the country, they are preparing for a grand ceremony to mark the 8th anniversary on signing ceremony of Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). The military chief is inviting EAO leaders to attend the ceremony, while his National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Committee (NSPNC) is making discussions with ethnic armed organizations.

This interview with Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt, spokesperson of ceasefire group, is about his view on this event as the essence of NCA has lost amid increasing civil war after the coup. 

TLT: What is your view on anniversary event of NCA while civil war is intensifying across the country after the military coup?

Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt: We do not continue implementation of NCA at the moment. As you know, Political dialogues under NCA has stopped. As all relevant stakeholders no more took part in NCA,  it has failed to meet requirements. But, the military said the 8th anniversary of NCA. We understand that it is the 8th year of signing the document, and leaders of NCA signatories are invited to the ceremony.

TLT: To what extent has the essence of NCA lost amid political conflicts in the country?

Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt: Holding the anniversary of NCA represents the validity of this document. It was signed between Myanmar government and ethnic armed organizations. The former group covers the government, Hluttaw and the Tatmadaw. Each of 10 EAOs would have different perspectives on NCA. Rather than holding anniversary, the ceasefire agreement is valid only if all stakeholders remain involved in it. So, the anniversary is not the validity.

 TLT: Some have said that NCA is no more valid due to the military coup. What do you think about it?

Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt: Our leaders who signed the NCA could not gather at the moment. Some organizations might have different views. The group of government, Hluttaw and the Tatmadaw has collapsed. Even in Peace Commission, only one member out of three has been left. I understand that the planned ceremony for NCA’s 8th anniversary is just gathering of NCA signatory leaders and its witness. There will have some positive and negative views on it.

TLT: What is your concluding remark?
Colonel Saw Kyaw Nyunt: NCA has been 8th year. I wonder the military would hold this event just for remembrance with gathering of leaders from signatories of NCA. So, I have no significant comment on it.

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