Mingalabar! Welcome to Than Lwin Times’ Real vs. Fake News program.

This program checks for fake news and misinformation about revolution events on social media after the military takeover.

Today, we will verify the news circulated on social media saying, “More than 50 KNU/PDF were killed in the battle of Pazun Myaung village in Nyaunglaybin Township, Bago Region, and there were no casualties on the military regime side.”

This fake news has been spread by the pro-junta Telegram and Tiktok accounts of Kyaw Swar since October 3.

The Than Lwin Times investigated the post and photos and discovered them to be false.

According to independent media reports, the junta soldiers who entered Pazun Myaung village in the eastern part of Bago Region accused the local villagers of members of the People’s Defense Forces (PDF) and killed them, spreading false information about the deaths of PDFs.

The People’s Defense Forces clashed with regime troops in Pazun Myaung Village, Nyaunglaybin Township. When the PDFs withdrew, the soldiers entered the village and killed U Phoe Htoo, who is mentally sick and over 50 years old, as well as U Min Min and U Gyi, both of whom are over 40 years old.

A fierce battle has been going on since September 30 between the PDFs and the terrorist junta army near Pazun Myaung Village. From October 1 to 3, about 15 people, including one officer of the terrorist military council, were killed in the battle and 10 others were injured, according to a report released by Royal Peacock Column.

Royal Peacock Column’s statement

Myanmar now’s report

BBC’s report

According to the reliable sources mentioned above, the report, “More than 50 KNU/PDF were killed in the battle of Pazun Myaung village in Nyaunglaybin Township, Bago Region, and there were no casualties on the military regime side” is just false information spread by junta supporters.

Than Lwin Times


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