Nay Pyi Taw, 18 October

The All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) has suspended its three members from their duties as they attended the military council’s celebration of the 8th anniversary of the National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) on 15 October.

The statement of ABSDF   on 16 October said that they attended the event in contrary to the rules and principles of the organizations, and that their political and military duties have been suspended in accordance with the decision of emergency central committee meeting on 16 October.

 They have been warned not to continue working against the policies of ABSDF.

Those who attended the 8th anniversary of NCA were Myo Win, Min Zaw and Maung Maung Oo.

Ahead of the event, ABSDF made a joint statement, together with KNU and CNF, to object the anniversary.

 The ABSDF was established just after 1988 Uprising, and signed NCA together with other ethnic armed organizations during the term of President U Thein Sein government in 2015, but they left the peace treaty and joined the Spring Revolution after the military coup in February 2021.

News—Than Lwin Times


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