Kyaikto, 19 October

U Than Lwin, the former administrator of Kha Ywe Village in Mon State’s Kyaikto Township, was arrested by regime forces at around 5 a.m. on October 18, according to an official from Thaton-PDF.

U Than Lwin, 50, was at his home when regime troops in plainclothes came and took him for questioning.

U Than Lwin has been accused of supporting the People’s Defense Force PDF and acting as an informant.

The Telegram channels of military lobbyists reported that former administrator U Than Lwin, was captured by PDFs.

Ko Aye Min Tun, the official from Thaton-PDF, told Than Lwin Times that they did not arrest U Than Lwin and that the details of the incident are still being investigated.

U Than Lwin was apprehended by the No. 310 Artillery, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Nearly 100 local people, including businessmen, have been arrested, and most of them have been sentenced to prison for their alleged links to the PDFs in Kyaikto Township since the coup.

According to the October 17 report by the Assistance Association for the Political Prisoners (AAPP), nearly 830 civilians were arrested in Mon State during the coup.

News – Than Lwin Times

Photo: Social Media

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