Kyaikto, 14 November
The artillery shell fired by regime forces into a field near Shanzu village in Mon State’s Kyaikto Township killed a farmer, said locals.
The explosion occurred as the 598th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB 598) launched four shells into Shanzu village around noon on 13 November.
U Min Naing, a 54-year-old farmer who was harvesting rice, was injured in the hand and thigh by the explosion.

Residents said that the injured farmer, U Min Naing, bled to death on the way to the hospital.
U Min Naing, the father of seven children, is an ordinary local who works in agriculture.
After being attacked at an administrative office in Theinzayet of Kyaikto Township, the junta fired mortar shells towards Tanaw Kyun Villae in Waw Township, killing four civilians and injuring six others.
News-Than Lwin Times