Kyaikto, 10 December
Military personnel took things from a sealed home in Moppalin village, Kyaikto Township of Mon State, on December 8, said locals.
At noon, a group of about ten men, including police officers, soldiers, and administrative officials, led by a surveillance officer from Kwarli police station, arrived in three cars at U Ko Ko Naing’s house, which had been sealed off.
The guards took positions in the front of the house, and others took the belongings inside the house, and the residents were temporarily blocked from passing through.
A person close to the family said that the military personnel took items including a refrigerator, air conditioner, fan, box, and chairs from the house.

The military council took away a box containing 60 lakhs and gold worth of 300 lakhs belonging to U Ko Ko Naing’s family.
The military council sealed off U Ko Ko Naing’s house in July on allegations that he was involved with the People’s Defense Forces (PDFs).
U Ko Ko Naing went into hiding to avoid being arrested by the military council for staging protest against the military coup.
Locals said that at least 10 houses of those suspected of being related to PDFs were sealed off during the coup in Kyaikto Township.
News – Than Lwin Times
Photo- CJ