Kawthaung, 12 December
The military regime arrested six local residents including an infant from Khamaukgyi Town in Tanintharyi Region’s Kawthaung Townhsip, and they were held incommunicado.
The arrest came after the military column was caught in an ambush attack near a cemetery in Phaw Thote village in Khamaukgyi around 10:30 a.m. on 8 December.
Around 10 pm on that day, the junta army arrested Daw Aye Aye Mar and his child from No. 4 Ward Khamaukgyi.
Moreover, the regime troops also detained four locals, including Ko Soe Lwin and Ko Watgyi, from Aung Chan Thar village in Khamaukgyi on 9 December.
According to local residents, Daw Aye Aye Mar posted a comment on social media about the battle in Phaw Thote, and the other four residents were arrested on the grounds that they were related to the members of the People’s Defense Forces.
Those are being held at No. 20 Military Operation Command in Khamaukgyi and are not allowed to see their families.
According to the resistance forces, a gun was seized, and two regime troops were killed in the fight in Phaw Thote village.
According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP), the military regime arrested nearly 2,000 residents for various reasons during the coup.
News-Than Lwin Times
Photo-Social Media