Nay Pyi Taw, 29 December

Facing defeat in battles across the country, the military council will use advanced drones to launch counter-drone operations, said propaganda Telegram channels.

The junta army, which has been conducting daily airstrikes for nearly three years, is dealing with issues on aircraft maintenance and fuel shortages, which led the military council to use drones and light transport aircraft to bombard the areas.

CDM Sergeant Zeya from the Air Force, said, “If the military council attacks with drones, the drones of the revolutionary forces seem to fly into junta-controlled areas.”

If their drones take off on defensive and strategic hills, they have to disable their Anti Drone Jammers. In that case, our drones can easily enter their territory,” he said.

Junta propaganda channels have stated that the military will begin utilizing CZ55 vtol UAV drones, while the Warazut militia organization has displayed CZ 55 UAV drones.

According to the firm, the CZ 55 UAV drone is a type of drone developed in China that can fly at a maximum altitude of over 14,000 feet, but it cannot carry much weight and the flight duration varies depending on the weather.

As the PDFs are not constantly present in the camps, the military council will be unable to launch a successful offensive, according to an official of the Chindwin Yoma Alliance in Sagaing.

The military council is currently utilizing reconnaissance drones almost every night in Sagaing, although the bombs have not yet been thrown, and drone assaults have been carried out extensively in Karenni State since last year, according to ground information.

It is reported that the junta army has frequently bombarded displaced camps with drones, mistaking them as the headquarters of the Karenni Revolutionary Forces.

The Karenni National Progressive Party (KNPP) secretary, Khu Daniel, said that the military council’s drone attack would not be effective because the revolutionary forces are well-versed in the area.

The military council has deployed drone jammers in war-torn areas and has issued warnings about potential dangers of drones.

The Federal Wings, a revolutionary drone force that terrorized the military regime, has reportedly been conducting effective drone operations in conflict-torn areas including Sagaing, Mandalay and Bago Regions, Karen and Karenni State.

The military council is claimed to be afraid of drone operations because revolutionary forces’ drones were able to hit important locations and even military headquarters.

Adjutant General Khuridoo of the KNDF stated that the military council’s disclosure regarding the drone was meant to frighten the revolutionary forces.

The military council is making an effort to counter-attack the revolutionary forces with drones, but analysts say it remains to be seen whether it will be effective.

Revolutionary organizations warned people to avoid gatherings in the coming period and to be especially wary of junta airstrikes.

According to Nyan Lin Thit research group, the junta army carried out about 1,000 airstrikes in 2023.

News-Than Lwin Times

Photo- Junta propaganda channel

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