Dawei, Januayr (17)
Regime troops sealed off the home of a member of the Dawei Strike group who lives in hospital road, Shamalaeswe ward in Tanintharyi Regions’ Dawei and also confiscated his other plot of land.
A regime force of nearly 40 members arrived in seven cars in the second week of January at the home of Dawei strike member Ko Tet Toe Aung and sealed off his home and his parents’ plot of land west of the hospital.
Ko Tet Toe Aung told Than Lwin Times that the junta then took his belongings from his house and that he did not know what they took.

Ko Tet Toe Aung responded that the military council could only seal off homes, but they could never seal off the spirit of revolution.
Although his parents were not arrested because they were traveling, he was saddened that his parents’ house, which had nothing to do with the revolution, was sealed off, and he asserted that he would try harder than before to topple the military dictatorship.
The military regime accused the Thai fashion store on Nirvana Road in Dawei city of being a PDF shop on January 3, arrested the owner Ma Yin Yin Cho and four family members, and took valuables and more than 60 lakhs from the shop.
Nearly 800 homes and buildings have been sealed off during the military takeover nationwide, according to the statement released by the Assistance Association of Political Prisoners (AAPP).
News-Than Lwin Times