Mrauk-U, 15 May

Many houses were damaged by severe Cyclone Mocha in Rakhine state’s ancient city Mrauk-U, the locals said.

 “Around 4 pm today, we found that about 100 houses were devastated. Wooden houses totally collapsed, while  the damages of brick houses half-brick houses were not so bad, “ said a local.

 Tens of thousands of people from Sittway, Pauktaw, etc. fled to Mrauk-U to avoid the severe cyclonic storm which passed through Sittway on 14 May.

According to the data of cyclone emergency rescue teams in Mrauk-U, over 6,000 people took shelters at the monasteries, and additional 3,000-4,000 people stayed at hotels, guesthouses and houses of their relatives.

 The  Ministry of Humanitarian and Disaster Management under the NUG announced 5 deaths in the cyclonic storm in Myanmar, and the death tolls occurred in Rakhine, Shan, Mandalay and Ayeyawaddy regions.

The Arakan Army announced precaution measures against the Mocha, and requested internal and international organizations to provide relief assistance for cyclone-affected people effectively and efficiently through their Humanitarian and Development Coordination Office (HDCO)/the United League of Arakan (ULA)

News—Than Lwin Times

Photo– CJ

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