Real vs. Fake News

Mingalabar! Welcome to Than Lwin Times’ Real vs. Fake News program.

This program verifies fake news and misinformation about revolution events spread on social

media after the military takeover.

Today, the news spread on social media by military lobbyists that “PDFs destroy school books by throwing them into the water in Magyisot village, Dapayin Township,” will be verified.

 This content was disseminated via the Telegram account of Hmine Wai on January 16, which constantly favors the military and disseminates misinformation.

The report was circulated with the image reporting that “PDFs destroyed school books and textbooks by dumping them into the water in the village of Magyisot village in Dapayin.

The Than Lwin Times looked into the post and found it to be misinformation.

In fact, the junta soldiers also destroyed the children’s textbooks and school books when they stormed into the Magyisot village, Depayin Township Brothers group reported.

On January 6, the regime forces entered the village of Magyisot through Sai Pyin Town in Dapayin Township, burning down 69 houses and destroying properly packed school books. Mandalay Free Press reported the story, citing local sources.

Dapayin Township Brothers

Mandalay Free Press

Chindwin post

According to the reliable sources mentioned above, “PDFs destroy school books by throwing them into the water in Magyisot village, Dabayin Township,” is merely false information spread by Junta supporters.

Than Lwin Times

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